Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Procession of the Honorable Wood of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord

    Procession of the Honorable Wood of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (First of the three “Feasts of the Savior” in August) Commemorated on August 1 Troparion & Kontakion The Procession of the Venerable Wood of the Life-Creating Cross of the Lord: In the Greek Horologion of 1897 the derivation of this Feast is explained:…

  • Listening to Lessons from the Unborn

    January 16, 2018 Father Lawrence Farley Good theology can pop up in unexpected places.  One such place is the writing of Dr. Seuss, author of children’s books.  My favorite theological work of his is How The Grinch Stole Christmas, a story of conversion and redemption.  I also like his pro-life treatise, though it is doubtful…

  • The Holy Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul (June 29)

    Sermon of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo Today the Holy Church piously remembers the sufferings of the Holy Glorious and All-Praised Apostles Peter and Paul. St. Peter, the fervent follower of Jesus Christ, for the profound confession of His Divinity: “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” was deemed worthy by the…

  • Saint John the Baptist

    June 22, 2018 The Seal of the Prophets The importance of John the Baptizer may be gauged by the amount of paint and ink the Church spends on him.  His portrait is painted and is found on every single icon-screen in all the churches, regardless of whether or not he is that church’s patron saint. …


    In the Church’s annual liturgical cycle, Pentecost is “the last and great day.” It is the celebration by the Church of the coming of the Holy Spirit as the end—the achievement and fulfillment—of the entire history of salvation. For the same reason, however, it is also the celebration of the beginning: it is the “birthday”…

  • The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ

    18 May 2018 On the 39th day after Pascha we celebrate the Leave-taking of the Feast of Feasts, commemorating the last day of the Risen Christ’s earthly sojourn. The day following is celebrated as His Leave-taking His Glorious Ascension into Heaven. As Holy Scripture tells us, after Jesus had spoken with His disciples on the…

  • Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!

  • 2014 House Blessings

    Fr. Catalin will attempt to visit every household for the traditional blessing of each home with water from the Great Blessing. Please let him know if for any reason you do not wish him to come. For the house blessing, for which individual scheduling will be arranged, please be sure that all who live in the house…

  • 8/31/2013 Parish Visit to Saint Barbara’s Monastery, Santa Paula, CA

    On a warm Saturday morning several of us got into our cars and made the hour and a half drive to Saint Barbara’s Monastery. As we crossed over the bridge from the main road we could feel the immediate sense of other-worldliness. The surroundings were at once brighter as we went from the shade into…

  • Sunday of the Paralytic

    This week’s spiritual lesson: Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) (of thrice-blessed memory) preached a series of sermons on each of the Sundays of Pascha (and on many of the Sundays following) We will quote each of these sermons in the weeks that follow. For the Sunday of the Paralytic, he preached: Christ Is Risen! In the Name…

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